
M.A. 论文选择

你的M有四个选择.A. 论文

蒙特瓦洛创新的英语M.A. 课程帮助你塑造你的学位,你的个人和职业目标. 学生可以根据不同的兴趣从四种不同的课程中选择最后的论文. 批判性论文帮助学生在同行评审的学术期刊上发表一篇文章,为博士学位做准备.D. programs and other advanced scholarly work; The Creative 论文 prepares students to compose fiction or poetry and assists in securing venues for publication; and The Professional Writing 论文 allows students to develop a portfolio of professional writing while participating in an internship; The Applied Humanities 论文 provides opportunities to apply humanities research and training to private, 非营利性的, 政府部门通过实习和公共服务.